In addition to providing chiropractic care, Dr. Jim is certified to perform acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient form of natural medicine which is used to successfully treat both pain and dysfunction in the body. It is believed to be pioneered in ancient Egypt, and has its roots deeply planted in China, and is known to be aged between 5,000-7,000 years old! Acupuncture works to open up the energy flow or Qi (Chi) in our body and is known to create balance and increase the function of the body’s immune system.
Acupuncture consists of placing needles in specific acupoints along meridians within the body and is intended to open up blockages and create balance within. Modern research has shown that acupuncture can affect most of the body’s systems – the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, hormone output, circulation, immune and allergy response, as well as the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.